Leadership Coach

Take your leadership to the next level with a “personal trainer” in leadership – a leadership coach. Challenging times place tough demands on leaders in terms of managing individuals and teams to maintain motivation and commitment and to ensure business goals are met.

Novare Leadership Academy

Personal trainer in leadership

With a “personal trainer”, our participants take their leadership to the next level. We match you with a coach for the best support in your particular challenges and opportunities to grow as a leader. The program follows a customized structure with modules on different themes:

  • Who am I as a leader?
  • What is my mission?
  • Leading teams and individuals
  • Leading through communication & coaching
  • Leading towards business goals
  • Needs analysis, goal setting and action plan
  • Digital or face-to-face meetings with a leadership coach
  • Digital tools for development

The program can also be designed for a management team or other constellations where there is value in mixing individual sessions with group exercises based on the development needs that exist.

According to agreement
According to quotation
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According to agreement
According to agreement

Focus on individual goals and challenges

Leadership coaching with focus on individual goals and leadership challenges
The program starts with one of our certified leadership coaches identifying the individual’s specific leadership profile, challenges and goals. This is followed by a 6-8 month program with five coaching sessions with different themes and a tailored action plan. The leadership coach provides the participant with practical tools, asks challenging questions and follows up on the action plan. Between sessions, it’s up to the individual to do the work required to reach their goals and extraordinary results!


Flexible and digital approach adapted to people with busy schedules
We know that it can be difficult to make time to prioritize your own development. This program is designed for busy people with a full calendar. The program is flexible – the participant decides when it is the right time to start and each coaching session of about two hours is booked in accordance with the participant’s calendar. The program’s modules can be completed digitally, or through physical meetings with the leadership coach.


Start-up and ongoing registration
Nominate an employee or register yourself via the form below, we will contact you with more information. The start of the program is flexible based on the individual’s preference and meetings can take place both physically and digitally. Welcome!

Curious to know more? Contact us!

Fill in your details and we will get back to you shortly. Welcome with your request!

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Curious to know more? Contact us!

I am here for you if you have any questions about the program. You are more than welcome to contact me.

Sarah Scheller

Sarah Scheller

Head of Individual Programs